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Vance Morris Customer Experience

The Customer Experience of "Hidden Details"

September 13, 20244 min read

Ever wonder why Disney has become a legend in storytelling and customer experience? Sure, it’s the rides, the characters, and the nostalgia. But there’s something deeper, something that most people overlook: hidden details.

Take a stroll through any Disney Park or watch any Disney movie, and you’ll find a treasure trove of Easter eggs, hidden Mickeys, and subtle nods to other works. These aren’t just thrown in for fun—there’s a strategic reason behind every one of them.

The Hidden Mickey You Can Only See Once a Year

For example, did you know there’s a Hidden Mickey that you can only see once a year? Yep, just once. On November 18th—Mickey Mouse’s birthday—at precisely noon, the sun hits a rock face in the queue for Under the Sea – Journey of The Little Mermaid at just the right angle to cast a Mickey silhouette on the wall. It’s like a celestial celebration of the mouse that started it all. Most people don’t know it exists. And most won’t ever see it. But for those who do? It’s pure magic.

Eternal Pirates in a Stalemate

Or what about the Pirates of the Caribbean queue? As you’re weaving your way through, there’s a scene with two pirate skeletons locked in an eternal game of chess. And here’s the kicker—these poor souls are trapped in a stalemate. No moves left, forever locked in their skeletal duel. It’s a subtle nod from Imagineer Marc Davis, blending dark humor with storytelling.

If 99% of People Never See These Details, Why Are They Important?

It’s tempting to think, “If most people never see these details, why bother?” But here’s the thing—those hidden gems are not about being seen by everyone; they’re about creating layers. They’re about depth. They’re about crafting an experience so rich that every time you go back, there’s something new to discover.

But let’s take it a step further. You do it for the 1% who “get it.” The ones who notice, who appreciate the extra effort, who feel like they’re part of an exclusive club because they’ve uncovered something special. These are the people who become your most passionate advocates. They’re the ones who tell their friends, who post on social media, who go out of their way to share their experience. They’re the true superfans, and they’re worth their weight in gold.

Creating these moments for the 1% might seem like you’re ignoring the 99%, but it’s quite the opposite. The magic that the 1% feel has a ripple effect. It creates a mystique, a buzz, a word-of-mouth campaign that money simply can’t buy. And guess what? It draws people in. It makes the other 99% curious, eager, and excited to discover more.

So, How Can You Use This in Your Business?

You don’t need to have Mickey Mouse or pirate skeletons to create your own hidden details. Here’s how you can take a page out of Disney’s book:

  1. Add Unexpected Touches: Small, unexpected details can make a huge difference. Maybe it’s a surprise freebie for a loyal customer or a handwritten thank you note in an order.

  2. Create Easter Eggs: Tuck little surprises into your business. Maybe it’s a special discount hidden somewhere on your website or a secret menu item.

  3. Build Stories Within Your Story: Share fun facts about your business or behind-the-scenes looks that give your customers something to connect with.

  4. Make It Personal: Recognize special dates or events in your customers’ lives. Sending a birthday email or offering a discount on their anniversary with your company can create a memorable experience.

Remember, it’s not about everyone seeing every detail. It’s about those who do—and the ripple effect they create. Because when people find something special, they talk about it. They share it. And suddenly, you’ve got word-of-mouth marketing working its magic.

So, what hidden details can you add to your business today?

Remember, you won't profit unless you implement,

Vance "can you spot the hidden Vance's?" Morris

P.S. If you are ready to create an experience so memorable that your clients feel compelled to tell everyone about you, reply to this email and let's chat.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

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