If you are a Service Professional seeking THE
competitive edge over your competitors where you will:

Attract Lifetime Customers,

Make More Money &

Enjoy Engaged Employees

without having to work harder or

buy another 'guru' course Again!......

....YOU Must Become A DSNi Inner Circle Member


3 Reasons:

  1. Today's Marketing & Advertising Gimmicks Are NOT Enough to Survive. Your Customers & Prospects DEMAND More!

  2. Every month Inner Circle members get a BLUEPRINT that ANY employee, manager or entrepreneur can implement.

  3. Customer Loyalty is THE measure of your present and future success (and bank account)

BONUS REASON: Your competition may already be a member

"Out of all of the marketing content I've consumed in my life (which is a LOT), yours is hands-down the best. No BS, simple, direct, and it works. Thanks for doing what you do."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leticia Mooney, Australia

From Vance Morris

On The Far Eastern Shore of Maryland

What would your business or family life look like if ...

  • You Commanded prices 2x, 5x or 7x your competitors.

  • Your clients became your all-powerful marketing force.

  • You are the one business in your city or town whose legendary service is raved about like a 10 year old just returning from Walt Disney World.

  • You could generate "walk-on-burning-coals" client loyalty like Disney does.

  • You had clients and families who look forward to seeing you and are delighted every step of the way through your service who will stay with you for a LIFETIME!

What would that be worth to you?

Start thinking about that question ...

First... few points to ponder that should be keeping you up at night:

  • 80% of companies say they give a great experience... Only 8% of their customers think so

  • 3 in 5 people would try a new brand or company for a better service experience

  • 78% of customers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase due to a poor service experience

These statistics are as scary as being stuck on Its A Small World for anything more than a minute.

But they do not have to define you and your company.

You can create a service powerhouse in your company that your competitors will never copy, they are too lazy and slothful.

Trust me, if all companies emulated the service provided at Walt Disney World, Ritz Carlton or Zappos, these companies would not stand out as they do.

They know:

  • The Customer Experience is not a department.

  • The Customer Experience is not an afterthought.


Ben Settle, Email Marketing

"he is by far the single best resource for learning how to merge customer service with direct response marketing to exponentially ratchet up sales I've ever heard"

So what can you do? Where do you start?

You start right here. As a DSNi Inner Circle member, you will discover many of the secrets of how Disney, Zappos, Ritz Carlton, Nordstrom's and others create such magical experiences every day, year after year, decade after decade.

This is not theory being spewed by some corporate trainer or human resources person that has never worked a day in operations. (No offense to trainers and HR professionals intended)

Nor is this mere advice from a charlatan who is deluded into thinking they are a Disney Customer Experience expert because they may have read a book or two about Disney.


Aleks Salkin, The Hebrew Hammer

"There is so much depth and breadth in this set of classes that during the lessons I found myself bursting with new and in-depth ideas for how to beef up my business's profits that I almost couldn't keep up!."

Ok Vance, How Do I Attract Lifetime Customers,

Make More Money & Enjoy Engaged Employees

without having to work harder

or buy another 'guru' course again?

You Have 3 Choices...

Choice #1

Forget that you ever read this message and go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before."If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got"

Choice #2

is to try to figure it out on your own. You can scour the Internet for hours, watch YouTube videos until your eyes glaze over, read blog after blog, and try to separate the charlatans and bamboozelers from the infidels, rapscallions and swindlers.

The trial and error method can be slow, painful, and expensive.

Since you're reading this, my guess is you want to see results in your bank account quickly with minimal time and effort.

As Ben Settle said "he is by far the single best resource for learning how to merge customer service with direct response marketing to exponentially ratchet up sales I've ever heard".

It's for that reason I'm inviting you to join my secret society and become a DSNi Inner Circle Cast Member. (CHOICE #3)


Dr. Ricardo Guillen, Dentist

"I know, for a fact, that my dental practice will out smart all other dental and non-dental competitors in my area by the implementation of the Disney Customer Service experience!"

Who This Is Not For...

Probably the best question! I only work with people who are ready to take massive action. I have no mamby pamby slick little quotes like some these other so-called marketing gurus. I am not a social worker, therapist nor psychiatrist. I cannot get you to stop smoking, lose weight, or exercise (though you should consider it).

I am making a huge personal commitment to your success, and I need you to do the same.

Not a Team Player?

Stop reading and leave. Members need to be willing to help and support each other.

Not A Serious Business or Entrepreneur?

Stop reading and leave. My mission is to rid the world of poor customer experiences. I need you on the front line helping me.

Shiny Object Seeker??

Stop reading and leave. If you are just looking for the next whizbang idea, leave it on a shelf and not implement, I dont want you.

So, if you are a team player with a real business (online or Bricks & Mortar) and are ready to massively implement, then this is for you.

The Benefits of Being An Inner Circle Member

Benefit #1: XP Intensives

Every month you will receive an XPerience Intensive (masterclass) on a specific client / patient experience or marketing strategy. This is a deep dive on 1 specific topic giving you a blueprint to take action.

Topics include: How to be a Category of 1, Holiday Marketing Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Profitable Service Recovery, Sales Secrets adapted from Disney and more....

Benefit #2: Personal Coaching

I am not one of those coaches that just dumps a bunch of info on you and then step back and say.... well, good luck.

We get together for a live monthly online Q&A session where you can get answers to your questions, solutions to your problems and brainstorm new ideas with your fellow Inner Circle members and me. We record each Q&A session and put them in the member portal for easy reference.

Benefit #3: The XPerience System Starter Kit

(Value: $802.95)

  • The Million Dollar Success Secret

  • Client Profit Index Assessment

  • Weekly Profit Implementation GSD Planner

  • Marketing Critique Certificate

  • 20 Minute Strategy Call

Starter Kit reserved for Annual Members

Benefit #4: The XP Report

The XPerience System Report is a unique publication. It is the world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Each month it is carefully crafted and curated by the world’s most diverse team of Experience & Marketing experts.

Every month, The Report’s pages include a broad range of information of interest and significance to entrepreneurs and business-minded people, no matter where it comes from.

Benefit #5: Swipe & Deploy

I have curated one of the largest swipe files on the planet. As an Inner Circle member, you will have 24/7 access to these ads, free reports, lead gen books, white papers and images. They are yours for inspiration and ideas, not outright theft. That would not be cool.

Benefit #6: Bonuses

A special interview, a book, a new article, template or blueprint. You never know when they might arrive!


Dr. Chris Milkie, Podiatrist

"When it comes to marketing, Vance has the chops. He takes a 360° approach to marketing a business. From answering the phone to writing competition-crushing ads Vance has the tools foryour business. We have deployed a number of his strategies in our healthcare business all with ROI positive results. If you implement what he tells you to you better be ready to handle morebusiness. Vance has as much competence and credibility as any of the high-level marketing coaches out there.""

But Wait! There's more......

Plus, as an Inner Circle member, you receive the following

exclusive bonus XP Intensive Master Class:

Profitable Service Recovery

This “secret” course is exclusively available to Inner Circle Members. I created it from a pricey live seminar I conducted in Australia. If I were to sell the course, it would command at least $497. But it’s not available for sale at any price. (Unless you were there in Australia)

In this course, I reveal step-by-step strategies coupled with real-world examples of fixing customer problems BEFORE they cost you thousands. If you don't have the training or the system in place to recover quickly from a mistake, you will lose clients or patients. And lose FUTURE clients as well. It is only a matter of time.

A sampling from the XP Master Class:

  • Discover the true cost of a poor client experience. Not just your cost, but that of your customer.

  • Access to my Service Recovery Resolution Finder: Easily determine which of the 4 actions your employees need to take to diffuse a situation and resolve it

  • How to take a bad situation with a customer and instead of losing money, actually make a profit. More than if the mistake never happened.

  • My 7 step system, where you will design your own service recovery system that you can share with your team to ensure you never lose a client or patient due to a poor experience (yours or someone else's)

  • The VITAL, but often forgotten, words that will disarm even the angriest of customers

  • The last thing you must do in every Profitable Service Recovery to ensure a happy-head-over-heels-thrilled customer that will stay, pay and refer

  • And much much more

Again, you receive that course for FREE when you can become an Inner Circle member


Shawn Perkins, Financial Advisor

"Vance is the KING of XP systems!"

How Much is the Inner Circle Worth?

How much is one customer worth? What is the dollar amount you would place on:

  • A new Customer

  • A customer you lose to a competitor

  • A customer you take away from a competitor

  • The VALUE of a customer is PRICELESS

  • So is the value of the Inner Circle

As you can see, you receive lots of benefits when you become a DSNi Cast Member, but the fact is if you were to use just one tip, tool, strategy, or technique every few months or so, you'd easily more than pay for a year's membership.

The DSNi Inner Circle Cast Member is $397 a month. Less than what many people spend on foo-foo coffee drinks every day.

By selecting the annual membership option at $3997, you save money by getting TWO Free months.

Annual members also get:

$802.95 worth of money making tools

The XPerience System Starter Kit

The Million Dollar Success Secret

Are you missing a SURE FIRE PLAN, methods for success and a METHOD of building your Million Dollar Business? Then you need to read AND digest the information in this special report. In it you will discover:

  • 5 COMMON Denominators in ALL BUSINESSES


  • 3 Mindset Money Making Modifiers

  • The Secret to Building A Thriving, Million-Dollar Business

Value: $97.00

Client Profit Index Assessment

Did you know that in the few seconds it took you to begin reading this, two U.S. businesses died needlessly and two more are about to die from the effects of bad service and marketing?

That's right, those businesses could still be helping our sad economy, but they lacked any semblance of client service and they sucked at marketing. Maybe they deserved to go out of business. Smarmy employees, no client service systems, no real marketing systems, no focus, no drive, lack of tenacity... The list goes on…

To find out if you have the chance to survive, take my Client Profit Index Assessment

Weekly Profit Implementation GSD Planner

In order to become a Million Dollar Business, you must have a process and you must be organized.

Creating your Ultimate Client Experience can appear daunting. But with this planner, you will accomplish the mission with ease. Remember, The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

  • Work through each week to plan out your service and marketing goals.

  • Track your success through accomplishment and return on investment

  • Maximize your efforts to take the work you have already done (write and email) and turn it into content for social media, blogs, articles and your newsletter.

  • Every week assess what’s working now. Then decide to either stop, start or continuing doing a task.

Value: $59.95

Marketing Critique Certificate

The longest reigning Marketer Of The Year for Dan Kennedy's GKIC / NOBS (me) will review and critique of one marketing piece or campaign including websites, sales letters, postcards, emails, phone scripts etc.

Send me any campaign, and I will review and offer suggestions for improvement.

While the certificate's value is only $279, my recommendations could be worth 10's of thousands!

Value $279.00

20 Minute Strategy Call

You need a direction. A roadmap. A Blueprint. Call it what you will. This 20 minute call could change your business overnight.

As the only Disney-Client-Experience-Direct-Response consultant on the planet, I will reveal the money making strategies I learned as a leader at Walt Disney World.

Break the chains of being viewed as a commodity and command the prices you deserve.

Value $349.00

$802.95 worth of money making tools all yours

with the Annual Inner Circle Option


Kevin Donlin, Marketer

"his stuff is really valuable because service in America basically stinks, and it’s a great way to differentiate your business"

The reason I'm giving you all of these benefits is not to overwhelm you with information.

It's to improve your business and your life.

That's why you can pick and choose which benefits are most important to you at any given time and ignore the rest without guilt or feeling like you're not getting "maximum value".

My goal is for you to see measurable results in your bank account. If you want to take advantage of all of the DSNi Cast Member Inner Circle benefits, fantastic. If only one or two of the benefits are important to you at any one time, that's fine too.

The DSNi Cast Member Inner Circle benefits are designed to give you what you need to take your business and life from where it is now to wherever you want it to be.

Let's do a quick review of everything you receive when you become part of the DSNi Cast Member Inner Circle.


Month to month


  • Monthly XP Masterclass (Audio, Video & Print)

  • Monthly Live Q&A Call

  • Access to the DSNi Cast Member Forum

  • Access to the swipe file

  • Free Admission to Online Events (Public will pay $90-$200.00)

  • Best price / discount at DSNi Boot Camps at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida


Get 5 Months Free


  • Monthly XP Masterclass (Audio, Video & Print)

  • Monthly Live Q&A Call

  • Access to the DSNi Cast Member Forum

  • Access to the swipe file

  • Free Admission to Online Events (Public will pay $90-$200.00)

  • Best price / discount at DSNi Boot Camps at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida

  • XPerience Systems Starter Kit

How to Pay For the Inner Circle

"Just" how to pay for the Inner Circle. Create one "just" -- and your membership is paid for many times over...

  • Just prevent one customer from switching from you to your competition

  • Just convert one customer from your competition to you

  • Just convert one customer from satisfied to loyal

  • Just commit one memorable action that gets talked about

  • Just make one customer ecstatic

  • Just have one employee take one extra step (learned as an Inner Circle Member) to make one customer tell another

A note about refunds

We want you "all in" and committed to letting me help you grow your business for the next year. I am making real investments in DSNi Cast Members through the physical materials I provide as well as my time.

For this reason, we don't offer refunds.