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Vance Morris Marketing Hero

Marketing Goes Big and Cheesy: From Giant Cheez-Its to Résumé Pizzas—The Bold Moves You Can’t Ignore

September 20, 20243 min read

Let’s kick off today’s email through the "what in the world is happening with marketing" department with some culinary news.

If you’ve ever found yourself in quiet reflection each night, clasping your hands together and praying to the snack gods for a Cheez-It the size of your head, well, today’s your lucky day! Taco Bell has decided to answer your prayers. Their latest creation? A Cheez-It that’s 16 times bigger than the original cracker. Because, clearly, we’ve all been desperately waiting for a cracker that doubles as a face shield.

Marketing lesson? Taco Bell knows how to capture attention by doing the absurd. This is marketing by sheer audacity: make something people don’t even know they want and blow it way out of proportion. And you know what? People will buy it—if for no other reason than to say they’ve tried a cracker that could double as a frisbee.

Remember, the more outrageous, the more talk-worthy. But I’ve got to wonder… does 16 times the size also mean 16 times the regret after consumption? Only one way to find out.

On to our second case of marketing “genius.”

Ever feel like you’re throwing your resume into the void, hoping it magically stands out from the mountain of competition? Well, Pizza Hut has your back—or at least, they’ll deliver your resume along with a cheese pizza to a New York office. That’s right: they’re offering desperate job seekers a chance to stand out with a medium pizza, resume printed right on the box. If your cover letter didn’t scream, “Please hire me!” before, maybe some greasy mozzarella will do the trick.

Marketing lesson? Stunts sell. In an era where everyone is shouting from the rooftops to be noticed, it’s the wild, borderline ridiculous moves that get the attention. They’re not even promising the tactic will work—but they are promising you’ll stand out, even if it’s as the person who thought a pizza box was a suitable résumé medium. It’s bold, it’s creative, and it’s guaranteed to get people talking. The lesson here? Sometimes, it’s less about doing something perfect and more about doing something people can’t ignore.

So, what’s the takeaway? Whether you’re delivering a Cheez-It the size of a small planet or hoping to pizza your way into a new job, remember: marketing is a game of bold, memorable moves. Be outrageous, be fun, and above all, be unforgettable.

A Rare Encounter with the "Service Department" (Not the Usual "Service Prevention Department")

Now, for something a bit more uplifting—let me tell you about my recent brush with what I like to call “the service prevention department”—you know, that delightful place where customer requests go to die. But this time, the unthinkable happened: I had a positive experience. Shocking, right?

I needed to transfer one account to another. Simple enough, but in my mind, I was already bracing for battle, imagining hours on hold, endless email chains, and the inevitable script reading from some poor soul. Instead, I was met with something truly rare: competence. The rep was prompt, understood my request immediately, and—brace yourselves—actually made the process seamless. No transfers to five other departments. No hoops to jump through. Just quick, simple, effective service.

Why can’t all interactions be this easy? The answer is that many companies treat customer service like a necessary evil rather than an opportunity to shine. The best ones (like the company I dealt with) see it for what it is: a chance to create a lasting impression, and more importantly, keep customers happy.

Marketing Lesson? Don’t just satisfy customers—make their experience so smooth they’ll think they stumbled into an alternate reality. Trust me, when you make it easy for people to do business with you, they’ll not only stick around, but they’ll tell others about how shockingly pleasant the whole thing was.

Remember, you won't profit unless you implement,

Vance Morris

📑The XPerience System Report: 💵A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 4 weeks for just $49.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Deliver Service Now institute

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