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Customer Experience

Deliver Plus One

May 06, 20243 min read

Today we're going to hammer home some customer service secrets that are as golden as a summer sunset at Disney World. Last time, we had a chat about tuning into what your customers are really yammering for to give them a whale of a time. Now, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into the concept of Deliver +1, and how it's gonna turbocharge your customer service game faster than a toupee in a tornado!

Consistency is your bread and butter when it comes to customer service that’s not just good, but Mickey Mouse-ear good. If you want to turn those happy customers into your personal cheering squad, you’ve gotta consistently blow that average service out of the water.

But how?

Strap in, I’ve got three no-nonsense strategies that are simpler than a grilled cheese sandwich but twice as satisfying.

First up, don't get all starry-eyed with a bajillion customer service options. It’s like trying to be a jack of all trades but mastering none—leaves you lost like a tourist without a map. Stick to your guns, focus on one or two standout service tricks that’ll set you apart from the crowd like a sore thumb. Specialize, nail it, and make it memorable.

Next, before you throw any fancy new tricks into your routine, make sure your current gig is smooth as silk. Nothing chaps hides more than a half-baked new idea when there’s old problems still making a mess. Tune up what you’ve got, work out the bugs, and get it running like a dream. Then, and only then, are you ready to add some new spice to the stew.

And third, but far from least, build a rock-solid system that delivers flawlessly every dang time. You need the right folks in the right spots, backed by tech that doesn’t flinch when the going gets tough. We’re talking about a customer service machine that’s so well-oiled it would make a Swiss watch jealous. Remember, this ain’t just about being good, it’s about being unforgettable.

Training? Crucial.

Your team needs to be sharp as tacks and ready to roll. Equip them with the skills, sure, but also keep that fire in their bellies stoked with some well-timed cheers and thanks. A pat on the back can be just as powerful as a paycheck.

Look, setting up a top-tier customer service operation might seem as daunting as climbing Everest in flip-flops, but the payoff is sweeter than the front row at a sold-out show. Consistency, focus, solid systems, and kickass training are your tickets to the big leagues.

Feeling like this is a mountain too steep? Hold the phone—you don’t have to solo this climb. I’m right here with all the tools, tips, and dad jokes you need to make it to the top. Let’s boost that customer service to legendary status and watch your business soar. Let’s do this!

Email me at

Remember, you won't profit unless you implement,

Vance "Deliver +1" Morris

The XPerience System Report: A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 4 weeks for just $49.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

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I'm Vance Morris and I am inviting business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a better life, to bring their drive for success and combine it with my XPerience Service System to achieve their dream.

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