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Start 2024 Energized

January 04, 20242 min read

“Entering the New Year Energized or Anesthetized?”

From The Frigid Headwaters of the Corsica River

Welcome to 2024

Isn't it great to be back?

Ah, the first day back after the holidays… If ever there was a divisive day at work, it’s this one. Every office will be filled with two types of people:

  • Those entering a new year energized and feeling so full of possibilities…

  • … and those entering a new year anesthetized, feeling so full, wishing to keep pausing all abilities.

Ready to rock this year?

Look at you go. You spent all of December saying, “Let’s put a pin in it until the new year,” and now you’re charging back to their desk to yoink all those pins out.

There’s a popular proverb attributed to both Joseph Kennedy (the father of JFK) and football legend Knute Rockne:

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

A pretty solid sentiment… and one that’s been echoed over and again by many others over the years. However, there’s one variation you don’t see as much, offered up by the late literary legend Hunter S. Thompson:

“When the going gets tough, the weird turn pro.”

Exactly what the good Doctor meant by that turn of phrase, wiser minds than mine continue to ponder.

Nevertheless, the key point here is that difficult times mandate serious action.

And that’s exactly what I recommend as key to entrepreneurial thinking. Regardless of the conditions and circumstance, you need to plow through – refusing to let timing, circumstance or popular consensus get in the way.

Indeed, had Walt Disney heeded the wise counsel to slow down after bankruptcy and instead erred on the side of caution to wait for better times, would we still have the empire of the Mouse on which the sun never sets?

I don't know, can't guess and there's no way for anyone else to know either. But for the most part, it's not what successful entrepreneurs usually do, so it's not the kind of question they ever ponder.

They are busy doing, while others are pondering.

So my advice is simple.

Get tough.

Get going.

Turn pro.

Keep at it until you see the results you want.

You won't profit unless you implement,

Vance "it's great to be back" Morris

📑The XPerience System Report: 💵A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 13 weeks for just $49.

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

Dear Entrepreneur,

Are you sick-n-tired of crappy online groups?

You know the one's... People reporting bloated results, people always ASKING and never GIVING.

You need to be around other business owners and entrepreneurs who will support you, guide you and, yes, call you out in order for you to grow your business.

If you have ever felt "out of place" hanging around people who have 'jobs' and have no idea what it feels like to be you... a business owner.... you are in the right place.

We are just like you.

And you need to have an easy to implement marketing and service system that you can roll up your sleeves and do yourself or hire others to do the tedious work.

That's where the XPerience Service System comes in.

And most of all... YOU MUST GET RESULTS. PERIOD.

I'm Vance Morris and I am inviting business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a better life, to bring their drive for success and combine it with my XPerience Service System to achieve their dream.

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