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Headlines and subject lines

Rat with Gigantic Penis Invades Scientific Journal

February 26, 2024โ€ข2 min read

If you're still here, that means the subject line did its job.

It got you to open the email.

And that is a subject lines ONLY job. Get the email opened.

So why do so many marketers take great pains to write an email, e-newsletter or e-anything and then just slap a generic subject line on it? You take all this time and creativity to generate a great message, but you don't give the subject line the same consideration.

If anything, your subject line should take as much thought and effort as the body of your message. Maybe more so.

A shocking, interesting, off-beat, comical, or urgent subject line will give you a much better chance of someone actually opening your email.

I haven't said anything about actually reading your message... Just get the damn email OPENED!.


You have to tie the headline in with the copy of your email. If you don't, it's known as clickbait and people will unsubscribe in a nanosecond.

For example...

If I were to write an email about the rats artificially enlarged member, it would be something along the lines of the dangers of using AI to generate images for you. Which is actually the gist of the story (Source: Motherboard by 02.15.24)

If I just used the subject line, and never referred to it in the email, you would be confused and possible angry. Maybe you were hopeful to actually see the image?

Then There's Newsjacking

Which is exactly what I did here. I found a news article and then hijacked it for my own purpose and use. Then I tied the subject line in with the body of the email.


Newsjacking is just one of the strategies I will go in depth on at my weekend workshop in Annapolis, MD in April. How to use it in both your customer Gettin and Customer Keepin' systems.

Deploying just this one strategy in your business will be worth far more than the investment to attend.

Reply to this email with "I'm In" and I will get you more details.

Vance "yes, I said penis in the subject line" Morris

P.S. 3 of the 5 slots are already filled. Do NOT delay. The other two slots are going to go fast.

P.P.S Lest ye think I jest, here is the link to the article:

๐Ÿ“‘The XPerience System Report: ๐Ÿ’ตA publication like no other. The worldโ€™s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 4 weeks for just $49.

Headlinessubject lines
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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

Dear Entrepreneur,

Are you sick-n-tired of crappy online groups?

You know the one's... People reporting bloated results, people always ASKING and never GIVING.

You need to be around other business owners and entrepreneurs who will support you, guide you and, yes, call you out in order for you to grow your business.

If you have ever felt "out of place" hanging around people who have 'jobs' and have no idea what it feels like to be you... a business owner.... you are in the right place.

We are just like you.

And you need to have an easy to implement marketing and service system that you can roll up your sleeves and do yourself or hire others to do the tedious work.

That's where the XPerience Service System comes in.

And most of all... YOU MUST GET RESULTS. PERIOD.

I'm Vance Morris and I am inviting business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a better life, to bring their drive for success and combine it with my XPerience Service System to achieve their dream.

Click below to accept my invitation to join the Inner Circle.

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