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Trump followers use Velveeta Gold hair dye

How to Leverage the Trump Hair Dye Debacle

April 08, 20244 min read

****For Immediate Release*****

For years, Donald Trump's hair color has baffled scientists, stylists, and frankly, anyone with functioning eyeballs. Now, the answer may lie not in a high-end salon, but in the dairy aisle.

It all started with Velveeta's audacious marketing stunt. Their new "Velveeta Gold" hair dye, a bright orange homage to their signature cheese, sent social media into a frenzy. While millennials rejoiced at the chance to cosplay as a highlighter, the mainstream media remained skeptical. "Who on earth would actually use this?" scoffed a perfectly coiffed news anchor, oblivious to the irony.

Enter, investigative reporter Mildred La Dolce. Known for her nose for a story (and a slight lactose intolerance), Millie stumbled upon a social media post from a seemingly bored Mar-a-Lago intern. The photo, captioned "Just stocked the boss' secret stash," depicted a shopping cart overflowing with Velveeta Gold Hair Dye.

La Dolce, dug deeper. Security footage revealed a flurry of late-night Amazon deliveries containing the questionable dye. Interviews with disgruntled ex-employees painted a picture of a frantic hairstylist, desperately trying to recreate the "signature" color after a rogue squirrel pilfered the usual product.

The news cycle exploded. Was Trump, resorting to supermarket cheese dye? The late-night talk shows had a field day. Jimmy Kimmel donned a bright orange wig and a pout, declaring, "I told you folks, he was a Cheeto!" Stephen Colbert, ever the intellectual, quipped, "Apparently, the only thing more fake than his news is his hair color."

The Trump camp went into full damage control mode. Former press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, looking paler than usual (perhaps from the sheer absurdity of it all), vehemently denied the allegations. "The President's hair color is a beautiful, natural golden mane, the envy of men everywhere," she declared, her voice cracking ever so slightly.

As for the man himself, there's been a radio silence from Mar-a-Lago. But eagle-eyed reporters noticed a subtle shift in Trump's public appearances. Gone were the windblown days of yore. The hair now appeared… shellacked? Fixed in a rigid, helmet-like style. Perhaps an attempt to contain any rogue orange cheese product from making a dramatic escape.

One thing's for sure: the mystery of Donald Trump's hair may finally be solved. Whether it tarnishes his image or becomes a bizarre badge of honor remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: in the annals of American political history, this will surely go down as the cheesiest chapter yet.

********End Release*****

Trumps Hair Dye revealed it's really Velveeta

What's Trump's Hair Have To Do With Your Business?

From Cheesy Headlines to Gouda Leads: How to Leverage the Trump Hair Dye Debacle

The recent media frenzy surrounding Donald Trump's alleged use of Velveeta hair dye offers a hilarious, albeit unexpected, marketing lesson for entrepreneurs. Here's how you can leverage this bizarre news story to grab attention and generate leads:

1. Tap into the Power of Humor: People love to laugh, and humor is a disarming tool that can break through the noise and make your brand memorable. This Velveeta saga is a goldmine (or should we say, cheese mine?) of comedic potential. Create social media posts with witty captions referencing the story. Design eye-catching visuals that play on the orange theme.

2. Find Your "Nacho Cheese" Angle: Not every business can pull off a full-blown Trump-themed campaign. The key is to find a creative connection between the news and your product or service. Are you a plumber? Offer a discount on "clogged drain solutions – guaranteed not to turn orange!" Do you sell productivity apps? Run a campaign titled "Get organized, don't let your business turn into a Trumpian hairpiece!"

3. Be Timely, But Not Tone-Deaf: News cycles are short, so capitalize on the trend while it's hot. However, avoid humor that could be offensive or insensitive. The goal is to be lighthearted, not mean-spirited.

4. Offer Real Value: Don't let the humor overshadow your actual product or service. Make sure your marketing materials, whether social media posts or website banners, clearly communicate what you offer and how it benefits your ideal customer.

5. Track and Analyze: Monitor your campaign's performance. See what kind of content resonates with your audience and adjust your approach accordingly. Use the insights gained to refine your future marketing strategies.

Bonus Tip: Consider collaborating with a local business for a cross-promotion. Imagine a hair salon partnering with a cheese shop for a "Trump-proof hair" and "artisanal cheese" package.

The key is to be creative, have fun, and leverage the power of a good laugh to connect with your audience. After all, in the business world, sometimes the cheesiest ideas can lead to the most Gouda results.

Remember, you won't profit unless you implement,

Vance "long email Monday" Morris

The XPerience System Report: A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 4 weeks for just $49.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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