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Amazing Business Radio

Amazing Business Radio

Transforming Ordinary Businesses Through Extraordinary Experiences with Vance Morris Prioritizing Customer Retention over Acquisition ...more

Servin ,Customer Keepin'

February 05, 20252 min read

Stop Competing on Price: Build Loyalty That Outlasts Discounts

Stop Competing on Price: Build Loyalty That Outlasts Discounts

Stop Competing on Price: Build Loyalty That Outlasts Discounts A random encounter in the grocery store with a customer who recognized Emma from my newsletter taught me a powerful business lesson: loy... ...more

Customer Keepin'

January 23, 20253 min read

Customer Experience: Magic of Handwritten Notes

Customer Experience: Magic of Handwritten Notes

Want to get noticed by clients and retain them for life? Use handwritten thank you notes. Here are 7 compelling reasons you should too. ...more

Customer Keepin'

June 13, 20242 min read

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

Dear Entrepreneur,

Are you sick-n-tired of crappy online groups?

You know the one's... People reporting bloated results, people always ASKING and never GIVING.

You need to be around other business owners and entrepreneurs who will support you, guide you and, yes, call you out in order for you to grow your business.

If you have ever felt "out of place" hanging around people who have 'jobs' and have no idea what it feels like to be you... a business owner.... you are in the right place.

We are just like you.

And you need to have an easy to implement marketing and service system that you can roll up your sleeves and do yourself or hire others to do the tedious work.

That's where the XPerience Service System comes in.

And most of all... YOU MUST GET RESULTS. PERIOD.

I'm Vance Morris and I am inviting business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a better life, to bring their drive for success and combine it with my XPerience Service System to achieve their dream.

Click below to accept my invitation to join the Inner Circle.

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