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Customer service fail

Is Your Customer Service This Deceptive? How Bad Customer Service Turned Boneless Wings into a Courtroom Drama

August 09, 20243 min read

Boneless Chicken Wings… With Bones? What’s Next, a Vegetarian Steak?

Just when you thought you'd seen it all, along comes the Ohio Supreme Court to blow your mind with some next-level absurdity. So, buckle up, because this one’s going to make you question everything you know about customer service, marketing, and business integrity.

Here’s the scoop: A guy named Michael Berkheimer did what many of us do—he ordered a plate of "boneless" chicken wings. But instead of the tender, boneless experience he was expecting, he ended up choking down a two-inch bone that wreaked havoc on his esophagus. The man sued the restaurant, claiming that "boneless" should mean, you know, boneless.

Fast forward to the present day, and in a 4-3 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court basically said, “Hey, buddy, you should have known better. Chickens have bones, duh.” Yes, you read that right. According to the wise judges, the word “boneless” doesn’t actually mean without bones—it’s just a suggestion, really.

Now, you might be thinking...

What in the world does this have to do with my business, customer service, or marketing?

Well, let’s dive into the lesson buried under this heap of chicken wings (bones and all).

Lesson 1: Clarity Is King (or Queen) in Customer Service and Marketing.
When you’re selling a product or service, your customers need to know exactly what they’re getting. If you’re advertising “boneless” wings, they better damn well be boneless. Ambiguity might win you a court case, but it’ll lose you customers faster than you can say, “I’ll have the wings, hold the lawsuit.” Great customer service begins with clear and honest marketing.

Lesson 2: Manage Expectations in Your Marketing.
Your customers have certain expectations when they buy from you. If they walk in expecting one thing and get slapped with something completely different, you’ve not only lost their trust—you’ve potentially gained a lawsuit. Whether you’re selling a product, a service, or an experience, make sure you’re clear about what people can expect. Otherwise, you might find yourself explaining why your “boneless” service package comes with a few sharp edges. Solid customer service is all about managing those expectations through effective marketing.

Lesson 3: The Devil’s in the Details—Especially in Customer Service.
Small details matter. In this case, a two-inch chicken bone became the difference between a happy customer and one who can no longer play hockey. While you might not be in the business of serving up poultry, the principle is the same. Overlook the small stuff, and it could come back to bite you (or your customers) in a big way. Attention to detail in customer service and marketing can make or break your business.

So, next time you’re writing up that ad, finalizing that service package, or just thinking about how to wow your customers, remember our friend Michael and his bone-filled boneless wings. Clarity, expectations, and attention to detail aren’t just nice-to-haves—they’re the difference between a satisfied customer and a trip to the ER.

Stay sharp, my friend. And if you’re ever in Ohio, maybe skip the boneless wings.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Deliver Service Now institute

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