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How to piss off your customer in 5 easy steps

December 07, 2023β€’3 min read

How to piss off your customer in 5 easy steps

I am sitting in my car in front of my dermatologist writing this to you.

You know what it's like when you have an poor experience and you just need to tell someone? A store or service provider gives you crappy service and you pick up the phone to tell your spouse or wife...

The conversation usually starts with something like: "You will not believe what just happened to me at (insert the place that ticked you off)".

And since my wife, Gina, didn't answer the phone, you get to hear my story of woe.

Lucky you!

These are the step by step exact instructions on how to piss off a customer:

Step #1: Set an appointment you have no intention of keeping: My doctor appt. was at 0800 am. When I arrived at 0755 am, the office was dark, window shades drawn and door locked. So much for my 0800 appt.

Step #2: Open late: At 0802 one window shade went up. Then another, and finally the 3rd. A moment later the waiting room lights came on and a shadowy figure unlocked the front door.

Step #3: Don't greet me: No good morning, no hi, no sorry we're late. Nuthin... just nuthin... She just left me standing there to read all their signs "If you're more than 15 minutes late, you will be rescheduled" and "$50 charge for missed appointments".

Step #4: Delay me again: Nurse tells me to keep my shirt on so I don't get cold. "The doc should be rolling in in a few minutes, she takes her kid to school every morning". Why on earth would you set an appointment that you KNOW will not happen on time ?

Step #5: Don't apologize: The doc just got right to work on my back. No apology for running late.

Yep, not only do I still have the pain in my back, I now have a headache.

Of course when I asked about being compensated for MY time (refer to step #3), I was told they don't work that way.

What's this got to do with your business?

Honestly, I really hope it has nothing to do with your business. Further, i hope you don't follow any of these steps in your biz.

But each step is a reminder that just a little, seemingly inconsequential, detail can ruin the experience for your customer.

Walt Disney demanded that his team "pay fanatical attention to detail". As every detail is either enhancing or detracting from the experience. There is no middle ground.

  • Late: Detraction

  • Dust on waiting room plant: Detraction

  • Don't greet customer: Detraction

Please, examine your business for these teeny tiny but oh so important details.

And please DO NOT follow these 5 easy steps.

You won't profit unless you implement.

Whenever you are ready... here are a few ways I can help you.

πŸ“‘The XPerience System Report: πŸ’΅A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 13 weeks for just $49.

πŸ“šFREE copy of my book Systematic MagicπŸ“š: 7 Magic Keys To Disnify Any Business. Out-Market, Out Serve & Out Price your competition in any economy. Get a step-by-step blueprint on how to adapt Disney's strategies to your business. You can do that here: Free Book

πŸ™‹Work with me one-on-oneπŸ™‹: Every year, I have the capacity to work with just a handful of private clients to work with me creating your ultimate client attraction, client experience and client retention processes. You can schedule a free discovery call here: Talk with Vance

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Hi, I'm Vance Morris

Deliver Service Now institute

Dear Entrepreneur,

Are you sick-n-tired of crappy online groups?

You know the one's... People reporting bloated results, people always ASKING and never GIVING.

You need to be around other business owners and entrepreneurs who will support you, guide you and, yes, call you out in order for you to grow your business.

If you have ever felt "out of place" hanging around people who have 'jobs' and have no idea what it feels like to be you... a business owner.... you are in the right place.

We are just like you.

And you need to have an easy to implement marketing and service system that you can roll up your sleeves and do yourself or hire others to do the tedious work.

That's where the XPerience Service System comes in.

And most of all... YOU MUST GET RESULTS. PERIOD.

I'm Vance Morris and I am inviting business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a better life, to bring their drive for success and combine it with my XPerience Service System to achieve their dream.

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