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School’s Out, But Success Is Always In Session for Entrepreneurs

June 19, 20243 min read

Ah, the sweet symphony of the last school bell ringing, signaling the glorious arrival of summer. For kids, it's time to trade textbooks for beach towels, homework for hot dogs, and classrooms for campgrounds. But for us entrepreneurs? Not so fast. The real school—the one that churns out success and piles of cash—never truly lets out. While fake entrepreneurs are lounging poolside, real entrepreneurs are hard at work, constantly learning and evolving.

Here’s the cold, hard truth: If you think you’ve learned everything you need to know, you’re already falling behind. Real entrepreneurs know that learning is a relentless, never-ending journey. They understand that success is a moving target, and the only way to hit it is through perpetual growth and adaptation.

Let’s start by busting a myth as old as time. The fake entrepreneur—the guy who thinks he’s cracked the code to success and now it’s all smooth sailing. He’s the one sipping margaritas at noon, boasting about his foolproof business model that’s going to rake in millions. Spoiler alert: His business will likely crumble before he gets to his third drink.

Real entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are the eternal students. They read voraciously, attend seminars, and constantly seek new knowledge. They know that the moment you stop learning, you start dying—figuratively and, let’s face it, financially.

Enter Napoleon Hill, the granddaddy of self-help and success literature. One of his key principles is “Accurate Thinking.” Hill didn’t mince words when he said that successful people base their actions on facts, not opinions or wishful thinking. Accurate thinking is the process of separating facts from mere information and using those facts to make sound decisions.

For the entrepreneur, accurate thinking is akin to having a built-in GPS for navigating the treacherous terrain of business. It’s about dissecting every piece of information, sifting through the noise, and honing in on what’s real and relevant. It’s the difference between betting the farm on a hunch and making calculated, informed decisions that drive your business forward.

From an objectivist perspective (part of my platform for President), learning is an intrinsic part of existence. Ayn Rand, the queen of rational individualism, would argue that an entrepreneur’s quest for knowledge is a fundamental aspect of their identity. In Rand’s world, the pursuit of knowledge is not just a means to an end but a vital expression of one’s rational self-interest.

In the entrepreneurial realm, this translates to a burning desire to understand, to innovate, and to master one’s domain. It’s about recognizing that the market doesn’t care about your feelings, your hopes, or your dreams. It cares about results, and the only way to achieve those results is through continuous, rigorous learning.

So, while the rest of the world may be celebrating the end of another school year, we entrepreneurs know that our education is far from over. The school bell may ring, but for us, the learning continues—day in, day out.

We don’t just attend the school of hard knocks; we thrive in it. We embrace the challenges, savor the victories, and learn from the failures. And through it all, we keep our eyes on the prize, fueled by the understanding that in the game of business, there are no final exams, only the ongoing pursuit of excellence.

So here’s to the real entrepreneurs—the perpetual students, the seekers of truth, the masters of accurate thinking. As we dive into this endless summer of learning, let’s remember that true success is not a destination but a journey—one that demands our best every single day.

Now, put down that margarita, and let’s get back to class. After all, school’s never out for the true entrepreneur.

Remember, you won't profit unless you implement,

Vance "kids and wife at the beach, I'm learnin'" Morris

The XPerience System Report: A publication like no other. The world’s only source of monthly Customer Experience and Response Required Marketing strategies to build your business. Delivered to your front door every month. Get 4 weeks for just $49.

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Vance Morris

Vance Morris / Deliver Service Now institute is the only Disney Experience and Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Deliver Service Now consults and coaches other companies on how to create and implement Disney style experiences and then apply Direct Response Marketing to profit from it.

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Deliver Service Now institute

Dear Entrepreneur,

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